Antique Limestone Flagstones (Historic Decorative Materials of West Hatfield, MA)

I’ve been deep into map history sleuthing, putting up a remarkably forthcoming statement about the Horne Lake trail: Horne Lake – the Trail is the Lake. Also, the research, to date, of Col. Engineer Römer’s ca. 1698 Memorial & Mappe of his journey to 5 Indian Nations in Upper New York State. And a comment to my US friends and relatives about 1848. Why it is an Important Year for Canada (ought to be a National Holiday – maybe “Parliamentary Democracy Day”?), and the 2nd British Empire. Much more important to us than, say, 1776. Also gentle humour about the War of 1812. Which we won.

In the midst of all this, a remarkable find whilst reporting on the anomaly of “Nanhygansett Bay” limestone: a wonderful image of antique flagstones; from Historic Decorative Materials of West Hatfield, MA. This is an e-commerce site supplying aged French and Belgian floorings to the fine home building market. An incredibly neat line of products from merchant co-founders: Emmi & François Micallef