In the midst of researching the Nova Scotia coast during 2017, I came across a map of the Grand Banks and nearby Newfoundland coast held at Memory of the Netherlands, the on-line collection of the Netherlands Maritime Museum. It is catalogued as being circa 1790, but I wonder if it is copied from earlier sources? Or much earlier – say, circa 1630’s, the era of the invasion of Acadia by the 1st Earl of Stirling?

Rationale: It is a copy of a French map. but has the look of maps of Atlantic Canada and the North Atlantic of the 17th Century. Consider the styles collected here:…
Zeekaart van de Grand Bank voor de kust van Newfoundland, met een detailkaart van een deel van westkust van Newfoundland [link]
(English via Google Translate): Sea chart of the Grand Bank off the coast of Newfoundland, with a detailed map of part of the west coast of Newfoundland
Date of creation: 1790?
Place of creation: Amsterdam
Type object: marine charts
Collection: Atlases from the Maritime Museum
Institution: Scheepvaartmuseum
Source: B.0032_(109) 02 kaart 154 (zeekaart, gravure, papier), Atlassen uit het Scheepvaartmuseum, Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam
Copyright for information contact Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam

William Alexander
Earl of Stirling
Born at Menstrie, Scotland c 1577. Died at London, England 1640. Nova Scotia’s name, flag, and arms came from the Earl.
[Link]: “Enjoying the support of both James I and Charles I, he was granted territory (1621), necessary funding through the sale of knight-baronetcies (1624), and armorial bearings for the province (1625). Financial problems, the reluctance of Scots to emigrate and French territorial claims all hampered development. Although Sir William’s son established 2 brief settlements, in Cape Breton and at Port Royal (now Annapolis Royal), the entire grant was sacrificed to the French in 1632 in return for full payment of Charles I’s marriage settlement.”
Additional Images:
William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling, Project Gutenberg, Public Domain:,1st_Earl_of_Stirling#/media/File:William_Alexander,_1st_Earl_of_Stirling-_Project_Gutenberg_etext_20110.jpg