vs. the apparently-most-possible of the allegedly impossible

Colossal_octopus_by_Pierre_Denys_de_MontfortYesterday, one of my friends (founder) asked why I don’t start easier ventures? The reason relates to the framing (and re-framing) of the challenge: No matter what I think about, it has been my experience that the leap-frogging steps of a disruption are nearly always seen as impossible/hard to comprehend . . . 

. . . (and in this, it appears not so much that the barrier is a belief in the “impossibility”, but that the person cannot intellectually follow or comprehend how I got there and ego seems to get in the way).

So, if whatever I do is seen this way, then (perhaps paradoxically) it makes more sense to me to do the biggest scariest monster.

Because this takes exactly the same effort as the apparently-most-possible of the allegedly impossible.

Not to mention massively satisfying.

Image: Pen and wash drawing by malacologist Pierre Dénys de Montfort, 1801, from the descriptions of French sailors reportedly attacked by such a creature off the coast of Angola. Public Domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraken

Will Angel List post Impact ROI Target scores?

I posted my profile at Angel List yesterday

It’s a neat site, but I noticed something funny. The job board breaks out hundreds of jobs the usual way, by location, job title, compensation…

But no Impact ROI Target Scores.

This may be restricted to US site visitors. But if not, I want more. When looking for contractors and employees, or a team to join, I want something that matters, to my definition of what “matters” for me. Angel List, the go-to site for startups offering job opportunities across the English-speaking world, could provide that data. Here’s what I am asking for: a Balanced Scorecard filter that lays out key impact targets determined by the founders, team and investors.

As a yard/meterstick, all measures are good.






If the target is to . . .

  • Maximize investor returns as a pure fintech money machine play…that’s great.
  • Create a gene-splicing tool for skeletal dysplasia…that’s also great.
  • Create incentives to stop the bear paws trade…again, that’s great, too.

Crunching Impact ROI targets into a neutral benchmark, and job-comparing tool. That’s dollarable value-add.

Will Angel List invite startups to post targets?