New 1-page “EAP”/”Proximity Pricing” Explainer

See [Link] to read 1-pager. Updated 24Dec2021.

The Ecological Accounting Process (EAP) (“Proximity Pricing” for private & hybrid sector investing) is summarized here – see Part C & D:

  • (C) (2017-19) Project contributions – link to report to funding agencies
  • (D) (2020) ESG Impact Investing Method (updates)

Respondents have mentioned not realizing that calculations can be two-directional (ie. we can calculate forwards and backwards, and that this can induce the process of continuous improvement to sustain access to the cost-superior services delivered by Nature). The new 1-pager ought to be helpful.

Mobius Universe

The other bit of fun for 2014 was to finish a thought experiment (the longest thus far: ~1984-2014); coming to a conclusion about the shape of the shape of the universe, and how this could be used to imagine the next contractionary cycle; and perhaps, in time, point the way for far-imagined journeys.

The conclusion? The universe is expanding inwards. Perhaps this might be named “the Mobius Universe”? I made a testing puzzle about this: [link] and there’s a new note here [link].**

The strange thing about constructions like this is that you must look away to observe it. We talk of “the mind’s eye” – This is the imagination’s eye. This is a way to solve many sorts of hard problems. Find imaginative-mind-play time. What you are tussling with, put aside. Accomplish tasks entirely different. Find the focus by looking away. Come back refreshed to tackle it again. Every refresh invites a new perspective. Every leaving gets you farther.

Recharge recharges clarity.

** Original 05Oct2021 version (without “Mobius Universe” title)


SETG: Searching for Extraterrestrial Garbage

By their garbage, shall ye know them

Searching for the garbage signatures of alien civilizations

The Civage Scale (“Civilization Garbage”) is a proposed scale for detecting and measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement based on the amount of garbage it dumps to foul the local neighbourhood. ‘Neighbourhood’ ranges from planetary to Kardashev Type V neighbourhoods. The current practice of searching for alien civilizations is called SETI: the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. This thought experiment proposes SETG: the Search for Extraterrestrial Garbage.

[pdf here]