Mobius Universe

The other bit of fun for 2014 was to finish a thought experiment (the longest thus far: ~1984-2014); coming to a conclusion about the shape of the shape of the universe, and how this could be used to imagine the next contractionary cycle; and perhaps, in time, point the way for far-imagined journeys.

The conclusion? The universe is expanding inwards. Perhaps this might be named “the Mobius Universe”? I made a testing puzzle about this: [link] and there’s a new note here [link].**

The strange thing about constructions like this is that you must look away to observe it. We talk of “the mind’s eye” – This is the imagination’s eye. This is a way to solve many sorts of hard problems. Find imaginative-mind-play time. What you are tussling with, put aside. Accomplish tasks entirely different. Find the focus by looking away. Come back refreshed to tackle it again. Every refresh invites a new perspective. Every leaving gets you farther.

Recharge recharges clarity.

** Original 05Oct2021 version (without “Mobius Universe” title)


May2024 Update #1: This topological construct of the universe appears to be similar recent formal work by cosmologists:

May2024 Update #2: Whilst reading a beautifully profound article by Ben Zweibelson, PhD. [Breaking the Newtonian fetish] I got to thinking about tori (or toruses) again, as it is hard to explain the hard-to-imagine construct.  Here are two articles  [Link #1] [Link #2] by Mark L. Irons (a Portland scholar who has passed away).

New Ideas to Describe Topology of the Universe: This delving got me imagining that perhaps it could be called a “Klein bottle”, but that’s not right. It’s more of a Mobius torus with amorphous (gassy) ever-expanding surfaces – maybe we could call this construct “Mobius Torus Flows” aka “Morflows” (good pun there!), “Klein flows” or “Klein clouds”?.

Maybe this offers a way to make the leap to living Eine (klein)e Nachtmusik? 🙂

Is our universe a “wormhole”?

Portal Vortex Time Travel Wormhole Warp Space{a set of (solutions of Einstein field equations)}, such that an outer “envelope” feeds a singularity at the “centre”?

About problem: Commenced thinking about the nature of neural networks and organization of orbital space some 30-years ago = liquid membraning helps; came to a hypothesis somewhere between 2010-2014; and decided to post it as a puzzle, along the lines of the diagramatic sequences they have for US college tests; and then publishing it on December 7, 2014. Not many takers except Clément Vidal at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Clément and I have chats and he read my Bangivore hypothesis.

Puzzle published December 7, 2014.

if you look at the original diagram (select image to go there), there are fine protuberances along the edge of the black circle second from right.

New phrase: Would Kessler data cascades influence “multiverse billiards”? Data cascading is what happens when a thought-investigation (for me, at least) unlocks into a solution key or key-set. Which invariably splits into all sorts of interesting new questions.

Kessler cascades and collision sets are fascinating – applicable to neat problems like:

  * Neural nets (growth; and collapse ie. epilepsy?);
  * ocean garbage collecting into gyres (and then colliding down to be food for plankton?); and
  * the hypothesis I’m working on that floodwater/saltwedge “density differentials” produce a trigger transforming foreshore waters into a “saltwedge dam” that floodwaters rebound against

Puzzle (Dec-7-14):
“Wormhole”: Creative Commons Zero – CC0.
Billard balls: By Andrzej Barabasz (Chepry) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

Kessler cascades:
1) Donald J. Kessler retired from NASA in 1996 as NASA’s Senior Scientist for Orbital Debris Research.
3) Generated image of orbital debris estimate:

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